How and Why Sitecore Upgrade

In this article we will try to cover the Sitecore upgrade checklist and process. Before I get into the details of the Sitecore upgrade, I’d like to go through the evolution of Sitecore and why we need Sitecore upgrade.

Sitecore Evolution post sitecore 5 version. Please find the sort description and features released in each versions

Why Upgrade?

As we know IT/Business team and end user are directly associated to your Sitecore solution. In organization’s IT and business users are asking themselves, “What are all the benefits we will get after the upgrade?” As a service/implementation provider, we sometimes have to persuade customers to upgrade for the right reasons.

In this section, I’ll try to discuss the various reasons for upgrading Sitecore, which can vary depending on the organization, but some are extremely common and apply to all organizations.

Reasons To Upgrade

Sitecore 10.1 new features list you will find from given below url’s.

Sitecore 10.1 features list

Sitecore Product Support Lifecycle:

The following table describes current phases of the Sitecore Product Support Lifecycle for various Sitecore products, as well as the expected dates for transitioning to the subsequent support phases.

Ref Url:

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We now have a better understanding of why we need to upgrade the Sitecore ,Let’s talk about how we’ll upgrade the Sitecore.

Before beginning any upgrade, we must first plan carefully and create a checklist. In the screenshot below, I’ve included a some high level of activities.

We’ve already completed the checklist and all of our preparations. Let’s have a look at the options presented by the Sitecore update. According to Sitecore, there are distinct approaches for versions less than 8 and versions larger than 8.Please fin the below diagram to understand both the options.

High level Steps involves in upgrading the Sitecore instance and code base.

Depreciated or removed functionalities in Sitecore 10.x .


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