Tag: Enity

Configure Cover Image To Sitecore Contenthub Entity Detail Page

My requirement is to set the cover image on Custom Entity detail page and to configure the cover image as per Sitecore Content hub document following below steps 

  1. Add new field in Custom Entity (Book) named as “BookToMasterAsset” and Entity relation by configuring RenditionRelation = True in advanced Tab.
  2. Add Book entity search page based on “blank Page” and add Search control.
  3. Configure the Search control by adding Filter as “Book” entity and add entity operation “Set as Master” by assigning the “BookToMasterAsset”
  4. Create new Entity detail page and add Entity image control https://docs.stylelabs.com/contenthub/4.1.x/content/user-documentation/manage/portal/pages/page-components/entity-image.html?rp=true
  5. Set the “Rendition” field of Image control as Thumbnail.

The expected result should be that the cover picture appears on the entity detail page, but there is one caveat in version 4: the Asset Detail Page Cover Image throws an error ( Relation with name “BookToMasterAsset” does not exist). 

After consulting with Sitecore, I discovered that this is a known fault with Contenthub 4 that will be addressed in the future release.

Solution: We have to change the value of “Rendition” field of Image control to “Preview” or “Square”.